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Links & Resources

I will add any resources and ideas that will encourage or help you.


Christian Resources

  1. Christian History Research website ( Click HERE to find out more about Graham Mclennan, the founder of the website.

  2. Faith Christian School Distance Education -  Great alternative to day school for Christian parents.

  3. Revival Ministries Australia - A training centre for Bible teaching with people in over 40 countries. Based in Toowoomba.

  4. The Bible Project - Brilliant videos on the structure of all the books of the Bible and videos on different biblical themes.

  5. ​



Lessons And Support

  1. Worship Music Academy - Guitar lessons for worship leaders - Subscription based but excellent lessons and resources.

  2. Justin's Guitar Website - It was free and the lessons are excellent.  Unfortunately, music is not Christian.

  3. ​




IT Help

  1. Print-Friendly PDF - Just put in the URL for a web page and it will make an excellent PDF document from the page. 



Page Links for Articles

My Articles and Studies.

The writings I have done are the result of much wrestling with God on what He is trying to say to me and through me as I have gone on an amazing journey with Him.  Below is are links to what God has been speaking to me about. I pray God blesses you through reading what He has given as much as I have enjoyed writing the articles and studies.


Ephesians 2:1-10

  1. Ephesians 2:10 - We are His Workmanship.  Part 1 of a 5 Part Series.

  2. Ephesians 2:10 - Restoration. Part 2 of a 5 Part Series.

  3. Ephesians 2:10 - We Have Not Accomplished Our Potential. Part 3of a 5 Part Series.

  4. Ephesians 2:10 - Walking In Your Complete Destiny Part 4 of a 5 Part Series.

  5. Ephesians 2:10 - Food Habits - Limiting or Releasing Our potential. Part 5 of a 5 Part Series. 

Educational Ideas

  1. Phone Addiction - What To Do

  2. This Is Why You Do Not Succeed (Millennials)

  3. How To Never Waste Your Time Again​


  1. Sun Stand Still -What happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible. Steve Furtick.

  2. No Longer An Ember - A Heart Ablaze

  3. Pagan Christianity

  4. Difficult Conversations - How To Discuss What Matters Most

  5. Beyond Sundays

  6. The Bait Of Satan - Living Free From the Deadly Trap Of Offense

  7. Crushing - God Turns Pressure Into Power. TD Jakes​


  1. Depression and Anxiety - Why is this a growing issue in Australia?​

Bible Studies

  1. Identity - Who Are You Really?

  2. Worship - Have We Overlooked What It Really Means T Worship God?

  3. How I Choose To Live Today​

Living In The Kingdom Series

  1. Lesson 1: Trees Of Righteousness

  2. Lesson 2: Putting Down Foundations

  3. Lesson 3: Living in the Kingdom - Part 1: What Is The Kingdom Of God?

  4. Lesson 4: Living in the Kingdom - Part 2: How We Are Established and Live in the Kingdom of God as a Family.

  5. Lesson 5: Taking Our Thoughts Into Captivity

  6. Lesson 6: Loving God with All Our Mind - Part 1.

  7. Lesson 7: Loving God with All Our Mind - Part 2. Taking Our Thoughts Into Captivity

  8. Lesson 8: What Are Disciples?

  9. Lesson 9: Training Children

  10. Lesson 10: What Is A Family?



  1. Ian Genat - My Father-In-Law

  2. My Holiday To Tasmania - December 2019

  3. Jim Winslade RI(H)P​


  1. Identity - Who Are You Really?

  2. Raise Your Standard

  3. God's Plans Will Happen - You Can Sleep

  4. God Is Doing A New Thing

  5. Am I Just Training For Battle?

  6. What Am I Learning In The Wilderness?

  7. Time In The Wilderness

  8. God, Do You Have Something Better?

  9. How Does Life Really Work?

  10. Catching Waves

  11. Crushing - God Turns Pressure Into Power. TD Jakes

  12. The 9 Hounds - Have They Stopped You?

  13. Tim On Tour (Tassie)- 2019/20

  14. Back To Default

  15. The Cloud Of Witnesses

  16. God Grow Me Through The Hard Times - So I will Not Be Harmed

  17. God, I Am Tired Of Suffering

  18. Positioning And Timing

  19. Psalm 1: Change My "I"

  20. Psalm 2: What Is My Prayer?

  21. Psalm 3: Leah

  22. What Is Schooling for Christian Families

  23. God's Plan For Now

  24. Dying To Our Dreams

  25. Crossing Over Into The blessing

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