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Writer's pictureTim Peden

Do Not Miss What God Is Going To Do

I have heard from a number of people that God is ready to do something that will astound the whole world. This will involve the unleashing of levels of authority and power that are beyond what we have ever expected. We are at the cusp of one of the greatest move of God that has ever happened in the history of the world. I really implore you to read this and ensure that you are ready in your relationship with God, humble down and do not miss this exciting time. You were born for such a time as this. Be ready.

So wake up, you living gateways!

Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny!

Welcome the King of Glory,

for he is about to come through you. Psalm 24:7 TPT

This is a time for us to pause in the natural. God has given us a break with the COVID 19 epidemic to rest, seek Him and to deal with things that have pulled us down for so long. He is calling us to come into alignment with Him and to move from our and man's ways to His ways. We have moved from Him as the centre and this is a time of re-alignment and centring back to Him. This is a time of purifying, shaking and purging of the old and thing not of Him so we are ready for the new. God is calling us to know His heart for this time and is bringing us into an amazing time of reformation. God is re-introducing us, the Church or ecclesia to His power and majesty.

Now is a time to have a ferocious focus. It is a time not to be distracted by things that have distracted us in the past. God is calling us from Egypt and to purge ourselves of everything that has kept us from our relationship with God, our calling and that has caused us to sin. God is calling us to see Jesus in a different way. To focus on His eyes. He is our provider, redeemer, deliverer, healer etc... There is so much Jesus brings to our lives.

13 And walking among the lampstands, I saw someone like a son of man, wearing a full-length robe with a golden sash over his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool—white as glistening snow. And his eyes were like flames of fire! Revelations 1:13-14

God is also calling us out of the places of confusion and living our way to a place where we both understand and live His Word in our lives. Life will come when we seek God wholeheartedly and seek His Word for the answers to our questions.

He answered, “The Scriptures say:

Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word, which constantly goes forth from God’s mouth.” Matthew 4:4 TPT

God is at the moment seeking the people that have put Him at the centre. He is looking for the loyal ones to impart His calling and the anointing for the things that are to come. These ones will be fully committed to Him, with no platform or agenda. They will be blameless and unyielding. He is calling those who just want to be a friend of God. He is finding these people and calling them to partner with Him for the exciting things He has for the future. These people will work with God to extend His kingdom.

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.2 Chronicles:16:9. NKJV

At this time, many of us are incredibly weary and need our hearts to be strengthened. God is bringing a refreshing and empowering of His Spirit not unlike what Elijah experienced. God is bringing healing and empowering to take people to places where they could not in the past. Impossible places will be visited and there will be much fruit and it will be not the hard slog it has been in the past. This power will only come as we fully humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. We are to love God with every part of our being... Then we can truly love others.

27 The religious scholar answered, “It states, ‘You must love the Lord God with all your heart, all your passion, all your energy, and your every thought. And you must love your neighbor as well as you love yourself.’” Luke 10:27.

This is a new era, a new time in history where God is unleashing something unseen before. The old structures and ways of doing things are being removed. Our focus will be on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. All things build on man's strength will be removed and God is doing a new thing. God is restoring a fear of God in the church. We have become too familiar with a God we do not really know. This new way will be offensive to those with religious minds, but to others, they will encounter the glory and majesty of God in a new way. It is a time of boldness, courage and faith. God will release the mighty moves of God and awe and wonder of God. This can only come as God completely cleans the church through a time of shaking, uncovering and purifying. It is time to seek the Holy Spirit to reveal anything in our lives that are not of Him and to remove anything that does not allow us to align ourselves fully to Him.

As God does this work, He is preparing for a harvest that is unprecedented. God is preparing for a harvest of over a billion souls. To do this, God is uncovering our idols and removing them and bringing us to a deep place of repentance. In this time God will reveal His holiness and will release the fire of God. To be part of this, we must embrace His ways and put to death our ways. When we do this, the fire of His love will fall on the church.

God is doing a work in Australia that will cause other nations to learn from us and seek Australia to guide them through the tough times ahead. Nations will be drawn to Australia as God releases His glory in Australia. We are being called to seek God for the blueprint of what He is going to do. To seek God for His plans and ways and walk in them. We are being called out of Egypt to be holy and pure before God. This is the only way this will happen. There is a narrow gate we must enter. We must be humble and positioned for what He is going to do. Then God can release this hope into the world through His people.

13 “Come to God through the narrow gate, because the wide gate and broad path is the way that leads to destruction—nearly everyone chooses that crowded road! Matthew 7:13

Our prayer at this time is to ask God to show us how to be ready. He is calling us to position ourselves in Him and in the world where He has placed us and wait for His timing. This is a time of consecration. (separating from a common to a sacred use; the act of devoting or dedicating a person or thing to the service and worship of God). When we do this God will do the wonders.

And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5

This is a time of living in humility and fear. We are to embrace everything He is doing. Like the women in Luke 7 who took the perfume and anointed His feet for burial, we are called to have the same attitude towards Jesus. We are to walk past or ignore all that distract us or try to stop us from our focus on Jesus and walk in a way that keeps our focus fully on Jesus. We must not let anything distract us. Do not listen to the criticism but ask God that you will have ears to hear, eyes to see and recognise God working. Now is the time for sitting at the feet of Jesus so He can fortify and strengthen us at this time.

As part of this process, God is calling us once again out of Egypt. We are to be no longer the slaves of the things of this world but be people that are delivered and bring others around us out of slavery. We embrace the fire of God so we come out it pure and all the dross is removed. It is time to fully cleave to God and to be separated from everything else.

My prayer is you will seek to discover who Jesus is with all your heart. Allow Him to prepare you for the exciting times that are ahead as he unleashes His Spirit for the greatest move of the Spirit of God the world has seen. I pray you will not miss this, but will humble yourself, seek the face of Jesus and be ready to step into the destiny God has made you for.

This prayer has really encouraged me. It is a powerful prayer to pray to those who have hurt or wounded you.


(from the Parish Mission with Fr Meninger)

Pray this prayer for a loved one, a stranger or, even an enemy.  

May you be happy - May you be FREE.

May you be loving, May you be loved.

May you come to the perfect fulfilment of what God has planned for you.

May you recognize yourself as a beloved son/daughter of God.

May you receive and grow in the fullness of the graces Jesus has won for you.

May you receive grace, peace and fellowship in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

May you know true peace.

May all good things be yours.

May every fibre of your being resonate to the glory to which God calls you.

May you know the Lord in all His goodness and compassion.

May you be forgiven every transgression.

I forgive you every transgression with all my heart.

May Almighty God bless you and keep you, show His countenance to you, and give you His peace. Come, Lord Jesus Come.

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