Ian Genat passed away on Tuesday 5th March at around 10.15am. He was diagnosed with acute leukemia on the 5th February, and through a chest infection after the chemotherapy his body was not able to fight the infection.

We celebrated his life on Tuesday 12 March 2019. This blog is to provide access to some of the things that have been put together for his celebration.
One of Ian's favourite songs is "As the Deer Pants For The Water". Enjoy the version below.
For a copy of the order of service that was used on the day click HERE.
For the 10 minute photo PowerPoint that was made to show Ian's life click HERE.
To view the video of the service click HERE. This is lower quality but a better quality video will be downloaded later.
Leah - Eulogy for the Service
My father’s adventures are too vast to fit into 30 minutes. And who he really was was revealed slowly with quiet patient tenacity. I knew him as an understated man who lived largely. If adventure was on offer he would slide quietly into it.
If an impossible task was ahead of him he would quietly plan - and ambush it at an opportune moment. Or just wear it down little by little. There wasn't really any such thing as impossible.
My father would say to me “If you can imagine it, it is possible. He believed that the possibilities were as limited as your imagination.
He also believed that close enough was not good enough. This belief frustrated me as a child. However, I knew Dad’s drive for perfection came from something deeper than just wanting a good job done well. I think he was trying to bring a bit of heaven to earth in everything he did.
Dad would spend many hours thinking while he worked his machines. One thing he loved to think about was the kingdom of heaven. What would the kingdom of heaven look like if heaven came to earth? What would we do? How different would our relationships be ? How would we live if we acted like a big royal family who knew how to really love?
These thoughts were mostly private thoughts but he would hint at them from time to time.
A week ago today the opportunity came and the Kingdom of heaven became a reality for my father. It was something that he had imagined all his life. We had the opportunity to stand among the angels around his bed singing him into glory.
Today if I could give him cheek one last time I’d say “Dad, you’re not finished this job yet! You missed a bit!”
Philippians 1:19-25 To Live Is Christ
so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.
Daniel mentioned a poem that Ian taught him when he was at home...

This was the song that was sung at the end of the celebration. It was very powerful.