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Visions From Heaven - Wendy Alec

Writer's picture: Tim PedenTim Peden

If you are going through a dry time in your life and you need encouragement, here is a book that really spoke to my heart. Many of her stories and prophesies brought tears to my eyes and I felt my Heavenly Father speaking directly to me. They were words of insight, love, encouragement and brought hope that the future is good and He is in control.

The last 5 years have been incredibly difficult for me; sometimes so hard that I have felt like it was just too hard and I could not keep going. Wendy, through incredibly tough experiences, has encountered the Father and has been shown by God what is happening at this time in the spirit and what God is now doing. She sees that many of God's people have been in a time of sifting over the past 5 years where Satan has attacked marriages, families, businesses, finances, ministries and the core things we find valuable. Many are hurt, confused, ashamed and seriously wounded by this sifting. She sees that there is hope ahead. God has said that this time of sifting is at an end and we are moving into an incredible time of blessing. Here are some things she covers in the book:-

Wounded Warriors

Many of God's precious sons and daughters have been wounded and tormented by the enemy. They have ruled and reigned for many years and walked intimately with God. they know God's presence, ministered for Him and Satan knew how much God treasured them. An onslaught was issued from hell designed to shake some who were the closest to God. There was a great unleashing of the spirit of LOSS and ABANDONMENT, a great unleashing of the Jezebelic spirit was released against marriages, families. There have been many casualties. This time or past season has been a time of transition and the old and comfortable is making way for the new. God is preparing a new wineskin for new times. This new wineskin and foundation are what is needed for the new phase that we are starting to walk in.

The Trophy Room

Satan has a trophy room where he has kept all the promises of God that have been stolen or delayed. This room is being opened and the gifts, blessings and answers to prayer are being given to the rightful owners. This is a new day and a new season. Strongholds are being broken down and God is releasing answers including joy, peace, hope, promises fulfilled, delays finished, a new day, season and time, strength, new vigour and a new focus.

The Jigsaw Puzzle

God showed Wendy a vision of someone sitting down trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle. They were filled with frustration and despair. It had many gaps, did not fit together easily and was distressing to the person working on the puzzle. God tenderly asked the person for the old jigsaw puzzle, which was their old life, and gave them a new jigsaw puzzle with pieces that fit together quickly and perfectly, revealing an exquisite picture. This symbolises a new wineskin in our lives. God is not allowing us to put back the pieces of our old season which were safe and familiar but is releasing a new day. This new jigsaw puzzle is God releasing His future in our hands. It is a new season with restoration, restitution, joy and laughter, a peace that remains, rest that is eternal. This is a new day.

I could keep sharing the stories, but it is best to pick up a copy of the book and get the full picture of what God is saying to you through Wendy. I encourage you to keep going. There is victory and breakthrough just around the corner. Don't give up!

Click HERE to see Wendy speak.

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